Thursday, July 7, 2011

Piping Gel! (:

Rose :3


Heart shape


and a Star! xD

Vanilla Cuppycakes decorated with buttercream icing and PIPING GEL! Decided to do blue piping gel because I thought blue would go just nice with the white buttercream. Plus it gives some sort of shimmer. Haha. 

Anyway, tried to make blue flowers with green stalks. Used a lot of energy trying to open the bottle of green colouring but ended up staining my hands green instead. So I gave up on green. Ahahahaha. What's worst is that I accidentally wiped my forehead with my green fingers. Yaya just said, 'Pagi esok, mandi.' 


Oh well. It turned out so cute. Piping gel sedap. Kakak and I even wrote names using pipng gel. That's it 4 today! Thanks.

1 comment:

Mama said...

"pagi esok mandi!" ... as if selama ni . . .